Lend a Helping Hand

Child Survival and Development Organization of Nigeria

 The Child Survival and Development Organization of Nigeria (CSDON) is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization that serves as a rallying point for promoting the well-being of all Nigerians with a focus on African mothers with their children by supporting maternal and child healthcare initiatives across the different states in Nigeria and the different countries in Africa

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Lives Impacted

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Completed Projects
Together we can make a difference

Organizational Values

At CSDON, we believe in the sanctity of human life, especially that of the mother and child. As such:
  •  We prioritize the fundamental rights of women and children
  •  We believe in transparency and accountability, to both our donors and recipients
  •  We respect the life of every African mother and child regardless of social class, religious or political affiliation.
  •  We are empathy-driven.
  •  We inspire hope and believe in the uplifting of the health and social welfare of the African mother and child.
  •  We strive for excellence in the execution of every project, no matter the scope.

How we make a difference


We provide specialist maternal and child healthcare services at our flagship hospital CWCH; we provide MEdicare for women and children with cancer through our medical…

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Awareness campaigns

We believe that ignorance is an enemy, especially to its owner. Therefore, we engage in a variety of campaigns to help educate African mothers …

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We organize medical missions in collaboration with local , national and international partners; Training of trainers on basic and intermediate life support; and grass root healthcare providers

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Frequent Training & Education

Implementation of regular trainings to enlighten the African mother on the importance of good hygiene, sustainable environmental practices…

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Mobilisation (Advocacy/Fundraising)

Run4Cure, general health enlightenment campaigns; general fundraisers (online donations); specific fundraisers, Adopt a child initiatives, etc)

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Come on board

Join Our Mission to Improve
the World

Success Stories

Some of Our Beneficiaries


Our Just Concluded Menstrual Health Outreach at Calabar in Pictures

Students, teachers, and representatives from CSDON.
Students warming up before the outreach began.
CSDON representatives sharing pamphlets to students.
Student holding up CSDON pamphlet.
CSDON Patron, Onari Duke engaging the students.
CSDON Patron, Onari Duke engaging the students.
Students being engaged.
Patron, Onari Duke and a student locked in an embrace.
Patron, Mrs. Onari Duke giving a speech
Greatness David
I really appreciate our former governor's wife, Mrs. Duke for what she has done. We say a big thank you to her
Rejoice Bassey
I want to say a very big thank you to Mrs. Onari Duke for the Menstrual pack.

News and Articles


Walk for Cure Event 2015

Walk for Cure event which involved women and children of all ages creating a vast awareness of the possibilities of